Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hulk Hogan Wasn't the First to Slam the Giant!

All these years we were led to believe the Hulkster was the first to bodyslam the Giant. But it just isn't so. Behold someone who pulled this magnificent feat off before Hulk Hogan!


Anonymous said...

That someone was Stan Hansen.

Anonymous said...

lol.. There were several people who slammed Andre before the WWF started pretending that Hulk was the first. I can't remember his name, but I do remember a tiny Asian dude slamming Andre in a tag match once.

Anonymous said...

Harley Race has this accomplishment on his list also.

Shawn Patrick

riffin said...

Sweet. Remember reading about this (probably in PWI) but have never seen it 'til now. Thanks for posting it.